Sweet Potato Roti

I had some more roasted sweet potatoes on hand (as always), and remembered that my mother would sometimes buy frozen sweet potato paratha from the Asian grocery store. I'm not sure if I can get the layers of paratha, so we'll call this a two-ingredient roti recipe.
There are only two things you need + any extra spices (which i intended to use, but completely forgot about...):
- 1 cup cooked sweet potato
- 1 cup all-purpose flour + excess for worksurface
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp curry powder
Make sure your sweet potato is hot or slightly warm--this means you either just cooked them or they were already cooked and you reheated them. Mash them if they are not already mashed.
Add in the flour and combine to create a dough. Do not overwork the dough, or it might start getting sticky and you'll be tempted to add more flour, which will make your roti tough.
Flour your work surface and roll the dough out into a log so that you can cut it into sections. I went with lucky number 8.
Roll these sections out into balls and dip them into the flour. At this time, start heating up a dry pan.
With each ball, roll it out into a thin circle.
Place the circle in your heated pan, flipping it every 30 seconds until you see it start to puff up.
After both sides of your roti have the color you like, you're done! Repeat rolling and cooking with the rest of the balls.
I forgot about adding in the salt, cumin, and curry powder in my own execution, but these still turned out ok, albeit a bit dry. You can see that there are still white specks of flour, so I probably added too much in the step of rolling out each disc. Because of this I'll need to oil and recook when I want to eat these since raw flour can cause food poisoning! I also didn't mash my sweet potato too well, so there were sticky chunks that made it hard to roll out.
Since it's a bit dry, I'd recommend eating it with something wet, like a curry or soup!